Join over 100+ Active mentors

Make a difference.

Help local youth unlock their
potential by becoming a trusted mentor.

What We Believe
The most effective mentoring experience is achieved through one-on-one, ​long term relationships with two people who are actively engaged.
give stewardship to kids who need it most

Mentoring works.

Studies show that one-on-one mentoring is 5x more engaging and successful than large group education for students.

Become a mentor!
*short description can be added here.


Students graduate from our program.


Students pursue higher education.

Hear what STUDENTS have to say about mentoring

Join our growing
community of mentors

Being a mentor not only
impacts your mentee, but yours as well.

Become a Mentor
View FAQ's
Apply online!

It's easier than you think

Apply today online to be a mentor!


Apply Online

Applying to be a mentor takes less than 5 minutes. Complete our online form here.


Pair with a Student

Once your application has been reviewed, we will pair you with a kid that best aligns with your style.


Impact a life!

Show up, and make a difference in your mentee's life. Watch the growth happen!

Frequently Asked questions

Got questions? We have answers.

Have more questions? Send us an email!
How old do I have to be to be a mentor?
How many kids will I be mentoring?
What does the time commitment look like as a mentor?
Do I get to choose which kid I mentor?